JavaScript closures: What are they?

A closure in JavaScript is a pretty obscure concept to grasp, especially when starting out. They’re one of the more important building blocks and concepts in JS that enable many other features in the language to work. (Like iterators and generators, and even...

Unit Testing Components in Angular

Test-Driven development, or TDD, is a paradigm in which before any code is written, tests are first created based off of requirements/user stories. We can think of it similar to a “to do” list of things that a piece of software must do in order to satisfy...
Inversion of Control (IoC): An Overview

Inversion of Control (IoC): An Overview

The goal of this article is to provide an overview in simple terms of the concept of Inversion of Control (IoC), what it is, why it’s important, and a basic example of how it is implemented in a simple Java program consisting of a few classes and an interface....

Using JavaScript to validate parentheses

Let’s explore how we can use JavaScript to determine whether or not a string containing parentheses, square brackets, and/or curly braces has an equal number of opening and closing brackets/braces. Essentially we’re going to determine if a string such as...